Ticket4Tennis FAQs | Ticket4Tennis Help | Ticket4Tennis

Help & FAQs

Ticket4Tennis is a big and easy marketplace that gets fans tickets for sold out events quick. Our comprehensive FAQ list below will give you a better idea of how our marketplace works. If you find that you have further questions not included below, please do get in touch with us and we'll see what we can do to help. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at customerservice@ticket4Tennis.com.

Online Forum

What better way to get to know us than to hear what our users have to say about us? Ticket4Tennis Forum allows buyers and sellers to post useful tips, share news about upcoming events or make any recommendations to us about our service.

FAQs Answered - Ticket4Tennis

Who are you? I've never heard of Ticket4Tennis....
We are a long established company having been trading online for in excess of 10 years now. This means that we're well known with a great reputation for helping people buy tickets online.
How do you have tickets when the events are sold out?
Well, because that's what we do! Ticket4Tennis
is an online advertising service that is designed to put fans in touch with
one another in order to trade tickets for sold out events.
Who do I get in touch with if I have a problem?
You can email us anytime at sales@ticket4Tennis.com.

Our Marketplace

Why is the price printed on the ticket different from what I paid?
The tickets traded on our advertising service are 'secondary'. The ticket in your hand will have been purchased initially from a 'primary' seller. A fan with an extra ticket to spare, once the popular event sells out, can now ask a higher price because the demand for tickets has increased. That's why you'll find the prices listed on our site vary. Sellers can choose competitive prices for their tickets, while buyers can compare which offer is best for them, considering details such as seat location or delivery time.
Why is it called an 'exchange'? What is an online advertising service?
Find out more about online ticket brokering here.
Can I trust the people that sell on your advertising service?
In order to sell on our website, sellers have to register their credit card details with us. By doing this, we confirm the address from which they will be sending the tickets they have to sell. A seller doesn't receive payment for their tickets until the buyer has received them. Once the tickets are received, we release the payment into the seller's account.

Payment & Security

Is the site secure?
Our advertising service is secured with the latest Comodo Secure Encryption,
which is the most effective trade security system currently available.
What will appear on my statement?
Any transactions made on our site will read as 'Edinburgh Events'.
Will other users be able to access my personal information?
No other user will have access to your information or your credit card details. Payments buyers make are made directly to us. We then transfer the money to the seller. We are always the intermediary on any transactions, ensuring quality and security.
Why types of payment do you accept?
We only accept credit/debit cards and cannot take cheque or cash payment.
Is Ticket4Tennis a safe advertising service to trade on?
It sure is. See our Terms & Conditions to read more about trading on our site.


Do I have to pay delivery costs for the tickets I sell?
Nope. We reimburse you for the cost of sending the tickets by Royal Mail or by FedEx, depending on the urgency of the order.
How long do I have to get the tickets to the buyer?
We promise buyers to make their tickets dispatched within 7-10 days before the event but if you have tickets in hand then it is highly advisable to send the tickets to buyers within 72 hours of our notification email. Please note we only pay to sellers when the tickets are dispatched and we can verify the tickets receipt using tracking number.
International rates vary and we are happy to inform buyers on your behalf.
of any special conditions on delivery if necessary prior to purchase.
How do I receive the payment?
We put the payment into your account ten to fourteen working days after the event has passed.
Do you take a cut out of what I earn?
In order to cover the costs of maintaining the advertising service, we charge a 15% commission on all sales.
If I'm only selling a ticket, why do you need my credit card details?
Taking your credit card details is how we verify that you are a credible seller.
This gives everyone a peace of mind. See our easy selling tips here.


How do I know that my order has gone through ok?
Once your order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation email.
How long does it take to get my tickets?
We guarantee that tickets arrive with you within before the event.
The event I want to see is very soon. Will I get my tickets in time?
We aim to lead the market as a last minute ticket provider. So, yes, is the answer!
What happens if I don't receive a confirmation email?
Please get in touch with us right away by email.
Why isn't my order going through?
It's important that you open an account with us before doing anything else. Once you have given us the information we need, you can begin selling and buying tickets. If you have done this and are still having problems, please get in touch with us immediately here.
What happens if the event is cancelled?
If the event is cancelled then
we will offer a credit note which can be used for any future booking.

RSS Feed

What is RSS?
RSS is an automated service that "feeds" news updates, the latest blog entries and recent podcasts from your favourite website right onto your personal home page (such as iGoogle) or your blog. RSS feeds do all the work of keeping you informed without even the lift of a finger. The best part is that you can sign up to get as many RSS feeds as you want from all of your favourite websites - there's no limit!
Why subscribe for Featured Event RSS?
Keeps you on top of the latest on big and exciting tennis events.
You'll be the first to know so you can be the first to go.
Why Subscribe for News Release RSS?
This feed is a great way to keep a handle on the news and gossip in the tennis world if you don't have the time to search it out yourself. With a clean and easy to - use display on your home page, it's a great way to make sure you're never the last to know.

Social Bookmarking

What is Social BookMarking?
Become a part of the social community of fans on the internet
and share cool sites like ticket4Tennis you've found
surfing around on the internet ether with other surfers.
Why should I add or share Ticket4Tennis Links with Social Networking Sites?
Found cheap tickets to tennis events on this site and were really impressed with our quick delivery time and excellent service? Let others know about it! Looking for tickets to any game that was supposedly sold out? Someone in your social bookmarking community could help you out!
Social bookmarking opens the door to new ways of communicating with other internet surfers.
The service is completely free. All you need to do is register.